Wednesday June 13th

Yes, we have learned some of the practices in this culture with childrearing. For example, children were raised to not speak the Cherokee language because it was frown upon before. When they were in boarding school they were not allowed to speak their Cherokee language, so they did not teach their children to speak Cherokee. The children learn to have respect for their elders and to learn from them. They are taught that they should look up to the older adults in the tribe.

The elders have a lot for respect from all the community and they are respected because people look up to them. They are the ancestors of this community and they are very important to the community. They try to keep their culture alive and to pass it on to the next generation.

The family structures I have observed in this community are the following: traditional, foster parents, adoption, and grandparents raising grandkids. I did notice that they don't have single mothers as often as it is seen in the American culture. I feel like many of the children had a family or they just didn't have biological parents. It is amazing that they have grandparents raising kids as well because with the generation now many are struggling with substance abuse.

The support systems in the community is the community they all are very supportive of each other. I really like that everyone knows each other and at the church they prayed for families they knew and needed prayers. that really shows that they all care about each other and want to be there for one another. The community is always wanting to help however they can they are always there to support whoever needs it. Kayla talked about a story when the entire community went to the emergency room to support a family that had a tragic loss. That shows how much the community is there for each other.

This children and families have historical trauma in their background. The trauma is due to the Americans historical background and what they did to the Native Americans. All of them were impacted by this and still to this day they are impacted because of the past trauma that is being passed on from one generation to another generation. It is not fair for the Native Americans to be going through that and still to this day be suffering from it.


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