June 16 Saturday

This week everywhere we went I experienced generosity and I enjoyed it. Everyone in Cherokee was very kind even if we didn’t belong to their culture. I was so amazed on how nice the Cherokee were not that I thought they weren’t but just because of their historical trauma that there is from the past. I really enjoyed being there this week because everyone was very nice and friendly. They were more than happy to tell us about their culture they were very open-minded. I really enjoyed interacting with this culture and learning more about them I also liked that we got to hear their side of this story because we do not get to see that in the books it is very bias.

What I took away from being in North Carolina in Cherokee was to always listen to people’s story it was important to me. I totally agree with Victoria that people should not be judged by their actions and everyone has a story to tell. It is important to know the persons story before jumping to conclusions like we normally do back home. It is sad that back home many of us judge people before even getting to know their story. I will take that home with me and before judging any of my patients at the hospital I will get to know their story. It is very important to be supportive to our patients even if you may not agree with their actions.

This culture can get healthier and keep heritage for future generations with the Cherokee Indian Authority hospital in place. This hospital wants to give care to their native American population to keep them healthy. The workers their try to encourage the patients to come back and get preventative screenings to diagnose early or prevent diseases. It is important in this community because many have diabetes in this community. Also, many have an addiction problem and alcoholism in this community. Which than leads to liver diseases.; I had a patient that had stopped drinking and was alcohol free over 160 days. The nurse and doctor were very happy for her because it was important for her to not drink anymore. She was starting to get a fatty liver, so they educated her on that and she decided to stop drinking.

This week I interreacted with the Cherokee culture which was out of my comfort zone a little just because it is an entire new culture. I didn’t know how they were going to be towards us and how friendly and nice they were going to be. They were very open to us learning more about them which I was surprised about. This experience has impacted me because I learned so much about the Cherokee community. I have learned to learn someone’s story instead of judging them by their actions. Many of the Cherokee are very supportive to their patients even if they have a history of substance abuse or they are struggling with it at that time.


  1. Yesenia,
    You are right everyone does have a story! Being here is kind of refueling compassion and a big reminder that we can often be the change we wish to see in others. Often it seems easier to "jump on board" with others who are not looking into the person's story or making generalizations about the situation. It takes a stronger person to take the time to consider someones story and this will make a world of difference. Glad you were part of this experience and are taking home more than souvenirs.


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